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The evaluation portion cements the process as a 
fully comprehensive and circular 
marketing plan.

This phase could include a discussion on:
- Metrics

Add photos or videos relevant to your project and caption them to provide context for your reader.

How we can track our metrics at Campus Health is firstly by tracking our sales. The sales we would mainly be looking at would be vaccinations. Since the objective is to promote our vaccination service that is the data we would look at. First, I believe we should track our vaccination sales for the year 2025 and compare those numbers to previous years. I think this would give us a good idea on how we performed at campus health.  

Another way we can track our metrics is by calculating patient volume. I think it would be important to look at the number of patients we have within a year, so we are able to compare it to our sales number in 2025 and to also track how much more popular we have become over the past year with our website. Lastly, another way is to track our vaccination inventory and purchases of vaccinations. This would be a great way to receive information on how successful our campaign was. If we see a high turnover of vaccinations, we can conclude that we are providing more students with the proper vaccinations. 

It would allow for everyone who is involved with campus health to provide input and give us many ideas on how we can improve for another unexpected event.

​We will plan for the unexpected by going back to the drawing board. This would help us figure out as a company where we feel we can improve in our campaign and were we feel we did good. It would allow for everyone who is involved with campus health to provide input and give us many ideas on how we can improve for another unexpected event.   

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